Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Eyetoy Drivers Namtai

Philippe Piraveau: the poetics of the water.

During the preview, the audience could appreciate, through the quality of silver prints, the rigor and quality of framing shots, careful control of the photographer, his keen eye his patience and contemplation.
a friendly stroll led visitors to the three exhibition venues, where they could admire all the works presented in the company of the storyteller Emial who hosted the evening.
We invite you to perform many the path between the Galerie Francois Mitterrand, Jean Cocteau and the Media Office de Tourisme de Saint Seurin sur l'Isle until October 16, 2010.
Exhibition visible on all three sites simultaneously in the days and times:
Tuesday / Wednesday / Friday / Saturday from 15:00 to 18:00.


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