Thursday, December 11, 2008

Polyester Tablecloths

"Beyond Appearances" at the heart of the artist's studio-Proust Patricia Labeyrie

As part of the course organized by the association "Art Territory and Materials" on the exhibition of recent works by Proust, Patricia Labeyrie, about forty people gathered in his shop Saturday Laruscade December 6th an atmosphere of curiosity and friendliness.
Co-Chair of the Association introduced the meeting with a brief presentation of this particular place and intimate what the workshop and its fundamental role in the life of the artist, focusing on the privilege This allowed the public. Patricia Labeyrie
Proust-led the tour with a presentation of previous work staged in the space for the event, displaying and the genesis of his artistic research and promote the development consistent with its exhibition "Beyond appearances. " His books and journals available personal Public rubbed his collections of cacti, succulents and rocks, bringing together the elements of knowledge and expertise to those in the world of plant life and minerals, in line with its concerns about the "elementary" and on issues of human thought.
A friendly moment together all the participants around a hot drink offered by the association in which the exchanges continued.

Monday, December 1, 2008

How Do You Say Baby In Latin

"Beyond Appearances": meeting with Patricia Proust- Labeyrie

Saturday, November 22 at 3:01 p.m. forty people responded to the invitation of the association "Art Territory and Materials "For a discovery accompanied by recent works of Patricia Proust-Labeyrie. The audience curious and followed with interest the story explaining that the artist has kindly reveal with simplicity and generosity, the various stages of exploration, reflection and experimentation that led to the series of tables currently ..
At the end of a warm and interesting exchange with the audience during which she gave to see books of research, and responded to various questions, a nice moment together all the participants around a hot drink offered by the association.

An upcoming meeting with Proust-Patricia Labeyrie will take place Saturday, Dec. 6 at his studio in Laruscade from 15 hours. (RDV on the square in front of Hall from 14:45).

Register with Maryse Cruzel, co-president of ATM
06 28 93 04 17 or atm.33660 @
participation of 2 € will be requested on the registration or day of the animation

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Gpsphone Pokemon Saves

"Beyond Appearances"

"Arts, Territory and Materials" shows from November 14 to December 13, 2008 recent works of Patricia Proust-Labeyrie in an exhibition entitled "Beyond Appearances".
Designed and developed in a limited time during which the artist was submerged in a total artistic experience of isolation, the proposed exhibits, we engage with it in a reflection on The emergence of the creative process, the posture of the artist in society and the fundamental function of art.
"Beyond Appearances" is a continuation of the artistic research that Patricia Labeyrie Proust-led methodically, patiently, I dare say scientifically since 1999. The creative process is also the subject of analytical work, even "self-analysis" that seeks to demonstrate the commitment and genuine humanist Artist: "I do not know if art transform the world but it seems unavoidable, given the environmental, political, economic, adopt the methods of approach to artistic creation as an alternative to a radical reform of the individual behavioral approach, going to the heart of Man, that everyone take their own destiny. "

Opening of the exposure has Friday November 14 at 18:30
at Galerie Francois Mitterrand of Saint Seurin sur l'Isle.
Admission free.

The Association holds two meetings with the artist:
- A visit / lecture at the Galerie François Mitterrand Saturday, November 22 at 15h.
- A visit to the studio of the artist Laruscade Saturday, December 6 at 15h.

Register with Maryse Cruzel co-president of ATM: 06 28 93 04 17 or atm.33660 @

participation of 2 € will be requested to registration or day of the animation .

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sasuke Sakura Hand Made Heart Doujinshi

Lesson 64 - Lesson 63 Farjina

The terms of this lesson revolve around the eyes, eye, .. . You will notice that the eye is sometimes reproving, sometimes admiring, sometimes ironic. They are complicated these Lebanese!

If I tell someone "show me", I can also say "show us"

  • show me = Farj i do
  • show us = Farj i na
  • what he wants to show us? = cabbage baddo 'yfarj i na?
  • He showed me something wonderful = Farj born chi é é by Khod el 3a2el
    mam: something that makes the brain

Yes! of false friends: a few who took the lead in Lebanon, it is someone you love!

  • akhad = took
  • 3a2el = brain
    (3akl Arabic literary)
  • she took the brain = akhadetlo 3a2lo

I do not know why, considering that it has become stupid or he is drugged. Another example:

  • Ekhedlo 3a2lo 'l = compiouter computer (computer in English) takes her head
    understood: he spends his time on the computer

Returning to the eye and the light ... "Farjina" is often used to launch a challenge

  • Chiche! = "Show us your courage!" = Farj i na cat has rtak
    = brave in the sense "a student who is good" = ch has ter
    he is good at school? = Cat bel Madre?
  • good student = et'telm i z 'fl esh has
    telmiz b = student
  • Show us what you can do = farjina cabbage bta3reff ta3mell
  • Look! = ch f
    or the daughter or c. fe
    but one can also say:
  • Look! Leik =! (The girl "lailleké)
    but this second form is to be used with caution because it may imply disapproval
    - Leik! Leik! .... = I can not believe my eyes, what idiocy ...
    or a threat or warning:
    - Leik! ... = Listen (watch), if you do not do such a thing ....

The eye can be used in other situations.

The control and observation:

  • 3ayné 3al e k = (MAM) my eye on you = I have an eye
  • Khalli 3AY nak 3al e = keep your eye on him = do not leave the eye
    plural = Khalli 3EN é k é 3al (keep your eyes on him )
  • Khalli 3énék 3achra 3achra = (MAM) = keep your eye ten ten!
    = rest on your guard, keep well, do not leave the eyes

    Where does the word "ten ten"?
    Perhaps the notes of the ophthalmologist: "it at 10-10 in the eyes"


  • ago 3ayné 3aleik = (MAM) O my eye on you =
    you do much! my eye is in love (mockery)


  • "is 3ayné" = Oh my eye
    I appeal to my eye so that it benefits from the stage, performing ....

    Traditional songs often begin with:
  • "3ein ago, is the ei the" = "O look, O night"

Someone who has not given any sign of life and that appears, he says,

  • " Long live the one who saw you " = m 3éch do i ch e fk (chéfék's daughter)
  • Where (are you past that) we can see you not? = nch WENE mich 3am or fk
  • Where have you disappeared = "where his disappearance?" = WENE ghayba hal?

Pass we see from time to time = Khallini nchoufak men wa2ett la'tténé
mam = "let us see you for a second time"
does not disappear (at once) TGH = ma i b 3alayna
mam = to go away on us ... (His death is like a veil that falls on us)

I tell you: See you soon! Men nchoufkonn! (= See you / will review the revoyure =)

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Christina Agulara Boobs

- El Bobbo

Welcome back everyone. The holidays are over and hopefully without too many pains.

The above title "El Bobbo" does neither injuries nor scratches but .... the baby!
Is this onomatopoeia recalling babbling baby or is it to please Dad?

  • dad has b = ba
  • baby = Bobbo
    much emphasis on "bb"
Unless it is in association with love and lover:
  • my lover i = 7AB

a baby who sucks his thumb we say:
  • He sucks his thumb = 3am bi moss osba3o
    word for word: it sucks his finger
vendors cucumbers, cucumbers to tout their market compare to " baby fingers" in a phrase that became famous:
  • Asab 3 i el Bobbo ago Khy r = A (MMA) Oh Baby Fingers
    = cucumber cucumbers as baby fingers
    small and tender => Delicious?
The word "moss = suck" gave
  • lollipop = A moss ssa
At sporting events, there is always one of two camps that is not agree with the decisions of the referee. Fans cry
  • and the referee wants a lollipop "wel 7akam baddo mossAssa"
    The referee is a kind of judge or a wise
    7akim = Sage / doctor
    7akam = verb judge

Recall that:
  • Speakers = 7EB the
    not to be confused with habla = idiot!
    idiot = MAHB or the or ahbal (a word that was given in French "crazy" silly
    = MAHB or or Lé habla
    not to be confused with either

    before it
    = abla
  • Sylvie is expecting a baby = Sylvie No work has walad
    (expecting a child)
    Until it is born, we prefer to speak of child !

  • why he cries? = Leich yebké 3am?
  • he wants to eat baddo y = e kol
  • he wants a bottle = baddo BIBR o born

  • There is more milk = ma fi 7al 3ach i b
  • nothing beats mother's milk f = ma i metel 7al i b emmo
    mam: no its like milk mother
Note that the "of" between "milk" and "mother" is not necessary. From the moment we know what mother is. It's "his" mother. Milk is automatically compared to her because she is "designated property". Otherwise we would have said
  • 7alib emm Tony's mother's milk
    Tony Tony is also known (no need to "de") or

  • 7alib el emm's milk " "Mother
    to refer the mother usually

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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Movie Of A Brazilian Wax

Lesson 62 - At the doctor

When you are sick (Mar D i), we go to the "7ak m i"!

  • A patient with a disease = A "Mar i of" suffering from "Marad"
    Spots History of Mexico A Maradi and Maradi, which comrade ...
    Remember to roll the "r"
  • What you doing wrong? = cabbage or 3am there ja3ak!
    (the girl) = cabbage 3am there or ja3ek
    = waja3
  • I have a headache = r has ssé 3am youja3né
    my head = rass
    My head [rass] is [shaved]
  • I tummy (stomach) = BATNA 3am youja3né
    Baten belly
    = I [Baten] so big buttons that do not close
  • I have a sore hand = I 3am touja3né (hand is feminine)
    Whoever agrees with my [idea] raises his hand

    I hurt my foot = êjré touja3né 3am (ft = Ejer is feminine ) I have a sore finger
    = ossba3é youja3né 3am (finger = osba3 is male) I have sore fingers
    = assabi3é 3am youja3ouné
    fingers Assab i = 3
    my feet = êjrayyé

    and ....
  • My toes = .... ?
    "the fingers of my feet" = assabi3 êjrayyé
  • What I like disease doctor? = cabbage ma3é MARAD 7akim ago? or "are doct o r"?
  • idiocy! = el habal! (Male)
    What idiot! = cabbage hal 2ahbal
    (girl) = chou hal habla!
    Habla español?

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Saturday, May 3, 2008

Dr Hauschka Buy Germany

"Gardening and jard'images" and other stories of plants with the Friend

productions presented in this exhibition are the result of educational projects "arts and science conducted in twenty classes during the school year, led the team riding Libourne 1, in partnership with the association "Art Territory and Materials".
From the visit of the exhibition "Gardens Sidewalk" each class has engaged students in scientific processes and plastics, built around experiments and diversified research.
Six classes and volunteers representing all participating schools and various levels of cycles, met the artists who accompanied them in their artistic career.
Cerciat Lawrence, William and Patrick Hillairet Polidano in relation to different classes of projects, contributed to the diversity and originality of expressive students with unique and challenging proposals.
collective accomplished productions are the result of the involvement of everyone in the joint service in collaboration with teachers.
Nursery schools involved are those of Gur, Libourne Garderose, Pomerol, Saint Seurin, Saint Sulpice Faleyrens and the basic élcoles Coutras Troquereau, Gour, Libourne Square, Lussac Puynormand, Saint Denis de Pile.
For this project the association "Art Territory and Materials" has received support from the School Inspectorate, the mayor of Saint Seurin sur l'Isle and the General Council of Gironde.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hot Cheetos In London ?

Hiking Path May 19, 2008 Released

The proposed course of events around the exhibition "Gardens Sidewalk" is coming to an end.

After discovering a whole, the Mediterranean House and the New Botanical Garden in Bordeaux, having exchanged and shared plants and botanical knowledge during the Troc, we suggest you go to meet the "weeds" of Saint Seurin sur l'Isle in the eye and the enlightened discourse of Moutse, ethnobotanist and along the "Chemin Ami, Emeritus guide, hiking Seurinoises St.

The hike will take place Monday, May 19, 2008.
Departure at 14 hours - clustering Galerie Mitterrand before
(behind City Hall).

We will make a journey of about 4kms accessible to all. Due to the special nature of this hike and so that everyone can enjoy the best conditions, enrollment will be limited to twenty people.

To register contact ATM

Tel: 06 28 93 04 17 atm.33660 @ before the May 14 deadline

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Repair Manual For Acoustic Television

Lesson 61 - The family with

I was a little absent lately and I told you it was in connection with a project I'm working on.

This is a new website called www.familyb
It allows you to easily build your family tree with members of your family of stay in touch, share ...

The site is not yet open to the public but I can sponsor those of you who would like a sneak preview. Simply pre-register on the site adding "PL2008-" behind the name.

I advise you to register one person per family: one that returns can then invite other family members.
  • family = 3aylé
  • Our family is large 3aylettna = kb i re
  • Tree = chajra
    Remember? "[Cats and rats] are continuing on a tree"
  • Pedigree = cha jret el 3AY
  • Tony is that compared to us? = Tony, mine Bekun bennessbé elna?
  • It's your cousin = bik or n Iben 3ammak
    "ibn el 3amm" is the generic name for cousin in general (near or far). Word for word: Iben 3ammak = the son of thy paternal uncle
    Iben kh lak e = son of your maternal uncle
    Iben 3ammtak = son of your paternal aunt
    Iben khéltak) son of your maternal aunt

  • Lebanese Proverb
    'Ana' w 3ala khayyé 3ammé Iben, ana 'w 3al Iben 3ammé gharib "
    Me and my brother on my cousin, me and my cousin against foreign I ally myself with
    = my brother against my cousin but I ally myself to my cousin against the foreigner
  • Abroad = gharib
    Oddly, the root gharb = west. Would there be a link?

  • Ghour or b = sunset (the sun) => (west).
  • Sunset Gouroubi = 'esh-chamess

    Gharib But it's also:
  • Bizarre Ghar i = b
    "Ghar i b ? You said biGharre? As Gharib?

  • I must ends before sunset = lézem khalless abel Gouroubi ech chamess
    L e zem = must
    Abel = before
  • Stop! = Basta! = Khalass!

  • Enough Bi = Kaffé!
    "what? Coffee? I drank too much?"
  • Enough for ajourd'hui ? Lal y = bi Kaffé O m?

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Ftv Midnight Uncensored

Botanical Garden April 19, 2008

visit to the Mediterranean House has encountered a curious and friendly that we were nice to accompany it.

In the momentum generated by our exhibition of January "Sidewalk Gardens," we continue our reflection on environmental issues, preservation of wild plant species, our role and action in nature and we invite you to participate in the tour led by a facilitator
New Botanical Garden we organize Saturday, April 19, 2008.

Travel will be provided by carpooling and tram (The Station Buttinière Lormont)

Departure from the Tourist Office of St Seurin sur l'Isle Saturday, April 19th at 13:30.

costs 5 € payable upon registration.

To register contact ATM
06 28 93 04 17 -
atm.33660 @ before April 15 deadline

Monday, March 10, 2008

Matsuda Eyewear Collection

Plant Swap April 6, 2008

In continuity of the exhibition "GARDENS OF SIDEWALK" another look at the wild ... the association "Art Territory and Materials" organized during the week of development, a bartering of plants under the sign of togetherness, sharing and free.
lovers and enthusiasts, beginners or experienced gardeners, those who wish to give, receive or exchange may join the event taking place in the Sunday market,
Sunday, April 6, 2008 from 10am to 12.30pm

For more information or to register by joining ATM
phone - 06 28 93 04 17 or email - atm.33660 @

Coprocessor Diver For Windows 7

Lesson 60 - The new Lebanese president (consensus)

The Lebanon still lacks a "RA2 i s "(Chairman) ... Consensus has not yet been found. Maybe he has retired. It's been a long time he was working and "work more to earn more" was not interested ...
  • How we say in Lebanese consensus? = Kif men 2oul "consensus" bell Lebna e born

    Approach (ARB), I'll tell you
  • approach! = arreb!
    (the girl) = arr-be!

  • close = ar ii
    b (the girl) = ariibé

    But not get too close! We did not keep the sheep together!
    It is true that the Lebanese, "Close" and "parents" have the same root, but be "parents" does not mean that we are "close" and vice versa:
  • We are parents ar = ne7na has Yeb
  • We are close = ne7na ARIB i do

First, we must know that "consensus" and "agreement" have the same root: wf-2 (WFK in Arabic).
  • Consensus wif = e 2
  • you agree? = You approve? = Enta mwéfa2
    Tu-e agree? grafted mw = e f-2a?
Failing to find consensus, they can not agree. But why they do not find it? They are not looking enough?
  • search = fattech
  • I'm looking fattouche (oriental salad) = 3am fattech 3ala fattouch
  • that you seek? = 3a mine fattech-3am bet? (Daughter fattché)
  • Looking consensus = 3al 3am fattech wif e 2
  • I can not find my 3am = a2 iiii
  • What Is what you found? = the cabbage-2 e t?
  • nothing = ma ch i
I think I know why they can not find it. Simply because they have no chance! Indeed, the root is WFK to success: your WF i K (name: Touf i 2 or Toufic in Lebanese Tawf iK in Arabic).
  • Good luck to you = mwaffa2!
    to you e-= = mwaff2a
    you mwaffa2ine
  • You were lucky? = twaffa2-to?
  • (we are empty handed ).... We have not had any luck twaffa2 = ma-na!

And the consensus? No luck, either: El wif e 2 mwaffa2 mich!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Is It Normal To Poo Lots When Pregnant?

How many things have happened. ..

  • Christmas is over ... El = é mil of Eja wr has 7
    merry christmas i = Miled SA3 of
  • Speak Lebanese-finished 1st = PL khéless Awwal (thanks to you, thank you! )
    Thanks to you all! thank you for your votes
    it is first in his class = houwwé Awwal bê Saffo
    is first in his class = hiyyé awwlé bê Saffa
  • The year 2007 ended = Senet el alf e do w sab 3a, khel sett
    senna = year
    alf = = seven miles
  • I did not want to (say) "good year" my eltellkonn = "kell senna w ento s e lm i do"
    word for word = each year and you sound (and sound) = healthy
    a boy kell senna w enta Selem
    a daughter, born se kell grafted w s e SCI
  • The general society has lost 5 billion euros = essociété Gener has the Khésis rett se kham one billion had ros
  • but ... = bass ...
  • ... Giovanni, where has it gone? = r has not 7?
    Where is he? = wayno?
  • what he was doing? = cabbage kene ya3mél 3am?

Mystery! You'll know soon!

is in connection with my new activity that does not leave me much free time right now but I have not forgotten you ...