Welcome back everyone. The holidays are over and hopefully without too many pains.
The above title "El Bobbo" does neither injuries nor scratches but .... the baby!
Is this onomatopoeia recalling babbling baby or is it to please Dad?
- dad has b = ba
- baby = Bobbo
much emphasis on "bb"
- my lover i = 7AB bê
a baby who sucks his thumb we say:
- He sucks his thumb = 3am bi moss osba3o
word for word: it sucks his finger
- Asab 3 i el Bobbo ago Khy r = A (MMA) Oh Baby Fingers
= cucumber cucumbers as baby fingers
small and tender => Delicious?
- lollipop = A moss ssa
- and the referee wants a lollipop "wel 7akam baddo mossAssa"
The referee is a kind of judge or a wise
7akim = Sage / doctor
7akam = verb judge
Recall that:
- Speakers = 7EB the
not to be confused with habla = idiot!
idiot = MAHB or the or ahbal (a word that was given in French "crazy" silly
= MAHB or or Lé habla
not to be confused with either
before it = abla
- Sylvie is expecting a baby = Sylvie No work has walad
(expecting a child)
Until it is born, we prefer to speak of child !
- why he cries? = Leich yebké 3am?
- he wants to eat baddo y = e kol
- he wants a bottle = baddo BIBR o born
- There is more milk = ma fi 7al 3ach i b
- nothing beats mother's milk f = ma i metel 7al i b emmo
mam: no its like milk mother
- 7alib emm Tony's mother's milk
Tony Tony is also known (no need to "de") or
- 7alib el emm's milk " "Mother
to refer the mother usually
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